
Tag: budget

Why the Holidays are a Good Time to Consolidate Your Debts

Man holiday shopping on phone after consolidating debts. Why the Holidays are a Good Time to Consolidate Your Debts

During the holiday season, you’re likely making a list and checking it twice. But between gifts, travel, and festive celebrations, it’s easy to lose sight of holiday spending and your financial goals. This year, why not add “consolidate my debts” to your wish list? The […]

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My Savings has Been Wiped Clean; How can I Replenish it?

Hand holding a pen typing on calculator My Savings has Been Wiped Clean; How can I Replenish it?

Q: The last few months have been really tough on my finances, and I’ve been forced to use my savings for getting by. My emergency fund and savings account are basically zero. Now that my financial situation is starting to improve, I’d like to start […]

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How to Create a Budget in 6 Easy Steps

How to Create a Budget How to Create a Budget in 6 Easy Steps

If you’re always wondering how you’re going to pay the next bill, feel guilty when you indulge in overpriced treats and you can’t seem to find money to put into savings, then you probably need a budget. A budget is not a magic potion that […]

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